
온라인상담 목록

Request for shadowing experience from Head director Dr. Kim.

페이지 정보

Irene Kim 김소은 20-03-06 21:55 163회 0건


Good afternoon Dr. Kim.

My name is Irene Kim, I am currently a pre- dental student living in Cheongna.

I am currently studying pre-dentistry and I have graduated from the University of Utah as a Psychology major(BS) in Salt Lake City.

For me to continue on studying and preparing for dental school it is vital for me to complete a specific number of hours shadowing a dentist. I know this isn't something very common in Korea and that they might or might not support `shadowing". According to the ADEA, is “going to a dentist or dental specialist's office to observe procedures, learn terminology and techniques, observe different practice environments and ask the dental professional questions about his or her journey to practicing dentistry.”


 It does not have to be everyday and I am very very flexible with whatever time the Head Director would let me in. On my side, a maximum of 2 hours a day for 2 days every week until 2020 June will be ideal. Although, I understand if it has to be less than I anticipate. I hope for positive feedback.


I am very optimistic in learning and I would love to Shadow a professional who has studied  dentistry in both Korea and in the United States. I believe this will become an amazing experience and inspiring to me as I prepare my way into dental school. I can also speak quite fluent Korean. So I hope I can go in and meet you very soon.  My contact is 010-5806-5509 and email is doyou459@gmail.com please feel free to call or contact me for further questions about this or about me in general. I would love to answer any questions you have.


(I don't know if the Dental director Dr. Kim  will see this email, but if someone does, I hope you can forward this to him.)


Thank you.



Irene Kim


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